TRENDS in WATER RATE INCREASES 1993 – 2007 based on US Region

No water treatment required

No water spray in airflow

Elimination of legionella risk

no dirt deposition in heatexchanger

Eurovent certified tube coils

Very low water consumption

Permanent magnet motors (effi ciency better ie3)

Low operating costs

easy maintenance due to vertical H shape of the tube coils : full access through the central door


Our TOPAZ Coolers can help you buck the trend… (Cost & Benefit)



The pre-cooling circuit is activated when the fluid outlet temperature is higher than the set point. This wet / dry set point is around 23 °C (73.4 °F) in a continental climate, for a fluid outlet temperature of 27 °C (80.6 °F)


 go to our Cost & Benefit page to see the savings